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How to See More Patients Per Day With Telehealth

June 5, 2020 Steve Tadevich


As the world shifts to remote work, so does healthcare. Clinicians are now seeing patients via webcam. Telehealth appointments save time by combining charting with patient analysis, and reducing wait times caused by late or missed appointments. Doctors can focus on improving the exchange of information with the patient.

Many healthcare facilities are now using telehealth to reduce the risk of potential viral transmission between healthy and affected patients at their facilities. The health and well-being of other patients, as well as the Care Team, are protected by using telehealth.

The average time a physician spends with a patient in the U.S. is 17.4 minutes.  Physicians who use telemedicine are reducing appointment times by about 20 percent, with the average time in one study being as low as 12 minutes. Doctors are challenged to serve more patients, and when virtual appointments are integrated into the practice, doctors can see more patients per day.  

Make Scheduling Telehealth Simple

Setting up for Telehealth appointments using Webex is simple. Here’s what you will need:

  • A working laptop, tablet or smart phone - with a front camera.
  • A fully charged device, or access to power.
  • An internet connection.
  • Your email address.
  • A well-lit space to see each other clearly.
  • A quiet space to reduce distractions and protect privacy.

Highly recommended: Use headphones that connect to your device for clear audio and for privacy.

Things to Consider: 

To save time and to ensure the best possible patient experience, it is important to have clear processes in place that define the Care Team's responsibilities for the virtual appointment.  

Consider these questions.

  1. Who is going to start the Webex Meeting?
    • The Care Team can start the appointment and make sure the patient is ready when the clinician joins the appointment.
      • Prior to the call, find out how to contact the clinician when the patient is ready to be seen.
      • Join 5 minutes early to greet and help the patient connect.
      • Do your work to start the appointment.
      • Contact the clinician to join when you are ready for them.
    • If the Clinician is starting the appointment.
      • Start the appointment a few minutes early to greet and help the patient connect to Webex.
      • The Care Team should be on hand in case the clinician needs assistance with the patient or help with follow-up actions.
  1. Is the Care Team present for the appointment?
    • If the Care Team is present for the appointment, they should stay in the Webex, but put the sound on mute when not speaking to reduce distractions in order to fill in the patient notes, or complete any necessary forms.
    • If the Care Team is not present for the appointment, they should still remain on hand in case the clinician needs assistance with the patient or help with follow-up actions.
  2. Who is going to advise the patient on follow-up actions?
    •  If the Clinician is advising the patient on follow-up actions. 
      1. Conclude the telehealth appointment by sharing your suggested next course of actions for the patient.
    • If the Care Team is advising the patient on follow-up actions.
      1. Plan beforehand if the clinician wants you to rejoin at the end of the consult. If so, stay available.
      2. Clinician will advise the Care Team on the details of the follow-up actions, either by messaging them or asking them to rejoin the Webex.
      3. Care Team can give the patient final advice and instructions before ending the consult if you choose to exit.
  3. Tips for first time patients:
    • Be sure to provide a handy step-by-step instruction sheet to patients joining for the first time.
    •  Suggest first time patients join a test meeting at any time before the scheduled appointment.
    • If patient is having trouble joining the virtual consultation, use Chat to send a message. Also, be sure to have their phone number handy in case you need to give them a call.

A doctor’s time is invaluable. With so many patients that need the doctor’s attention, their time needs to be focused on the patient instead of administrative duties or unproductive time due to patients being late or appointment cancellations. Webex allows easy, fast and secure connections between doctors and patients.

Due to faster and more focused telehealth visits, physicians are able to see more patients. As a result, the healthcare system is more efficient.

For more information on Webex for Telehealth, download our Best Practices in Telehealth


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