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Safe, Secure, and Scalable Remote Access

March 16, 2020 Jason Dell

Secure Scalable remote accessThe COVID-19 pandemic is prompting several companies or schools to implement a work from home policy.

Are you looking for a safe, secure, and scalable method of providing easy remote access to internal web applications, and/or for providing SSH access to internal systems, without requiring remote access VPN?

With Duo Network Gateway, your users can securely access your internal web applications from any device, using any browser, from anywhere in the world, without having to install or configure remote access software on their device. Users can also remotely SSH to configured hosts through Duo Network Gateway after installing Duo's connectivity tool, providing server access without a VPN.
Users first authenticate to Duo Network Gateway and approve a two-factor authentication request before they may access your different protected services. Session awareness minimizes repeated MFA prompts as users access additional services and hosts via your gateway.

Duo Secure Scalable remote accessDuo Network Gateway gives you granular access control per web application, set of SSH servers, and user groups. You can specify different policies to make sure only trusted users and endpoints are able to access your internal services. For example, you can require that SharePoint users complete two-factor authentication at every login, but only once every seven days when accessing Confluence. Duo checks the user, device, and network against an application's policy before allowing access to the application.

Duo trials are available through Network Solutions.

To learn more or to request a Duo trial, visit https://www.nsi1.com/i-want-duo , or call 888.247.0900.

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